About Cullman County

Known for its Southern culture and charm, Cullman and Cullman County shares a strong heritage that springs from its founder, Col. John G. Cullmann. Along with a sense of history and identity comes a strong work ethic and a pioneer spirit that is evident in the people of Cullman County who strive to make everything here the very best it can be.
Ranking among the highest nationally and regionally in poultry, sweet potato, and agriculture production, Cullman County is also known for its school systems and parks, which are among the best in the state.
Located in the heart of North Alabama, Cullman County is centrally positioned on Interstate 65 between two of the state’s largest cities (Huntsville and Birmingham) and covers 743 square miles on the Cumberland Plateau. With a population of over 80,000, Cullman County is just close enough to the bustle of the big city for convenience, and far enough away from the bright lights to give residence a peace of mind and a feel for the slow, relaxed ways of life in the country. However, don’t let the quaint, small-town ways of the place fool you.
Cullman County continues moving forward, and is now among one of the fastest growing counties in the state with new industries and businesses, as well as established ones that are expanding at a high rate.
Whether a native or a newcomer to Cullman County, we hope this guide will be of service to you.
Town of Baileyton | 95 Fire Station Road Baileyton, AL 35019 (256)796-6447 town.clerk35019@gmail.com |
Town of Berlin | 461 County Road 1615 Cullman, AL 35058 (256)736-3138 clerk@berlinal.org |
Town of Colony | 65 Byars Road Hanceville, AL 35077 (256)287-1192 colonyclerk@gmail.com |
City of Cullman | 204 2nd Avenue NE Cullman, AL 35055 (256)775-7109 cityclerk@cullmanal.gov |
Town of Dodge City | 130 Howard Circle Hanceville, AL 35077 (256)287-0364 dodgecityal@gmail.com |
Town of Fairview | 7525 AL Hwy 69N Cullman, AL 35058 (256)796-5424 dshedd2003@yahoo.com |
Town of Garden City | 501 1st Avenue S Garden City, AL 35070 (256)352-5408 clerk@gardencityal.gov |
City of Good Hope | 135 Municipal Drive Cullman, AL 35057 (256)739-3757 clerk@goodhopeal.com |
City of Hanceville | 112 Main Street SE Hanceville, AL 35077 (256)352-9830 kreburn@cityofhanceville.net |
Town of Holly Pond | 10885 US Hwy 278 E Holly Pond, AL 35083 (256)796-2124 townofhollypond@outlook.com |
Town of Vinemont | 36 Patton Drive Cullman, AL 35179 (256)737-5411 info@townofsouthvinemont.com |
Town of West Point | 3990 County Road 1141 Vinemont, AL 35179 (256)734-0006 townofwestpoint@gmail.com |