Welcome to
Cullman County!

Located in the heart of north Alabama, Cullman County is centrally positioned on Interstate 65 between two of the state’s largest cities (Huntsville and Birmingham) and covers 743 square miles on the Cumberland Plateau. Cullman County continues moving forward, and is now among one of the fastest growing counties in the Great State of Alabama, with new industries and businesses, as well as established ones that are expanding at a high rate.
- Warming Stations Update - 12/21/2022
- The NEW Cullman County Alerts System by Everbridge is available, now. Create an account and sign up for the alerts of your choosing at the Everbridge Member Login Page.

What would you like to do?
- Buy a Car Tag, Property Taxes
- Court Dates, Fines, Passports
- Road Information
- Business License, Drivers License Renewal
- Senior Citizens
- CARTS Information
- Pay Sales Tax
- Take a Driving Test
- County School Board Members
- Find My Commissioner by Map
- Citizen Request Form